Spiritual Foundations for Creative Explosiveness in 2021

By Jennifer ALLY Kern


There has never been a more important time for creatives to not only bring their work into the world, but also get their spiritual game on. The Soul is here, after all, to grow and contribute. And it cannot do that without its human counterpart (that means you).

Expansion happens through the ebbs and flows of energy, which we experience as emotional ups-and-downs. Life will precipitate this through challenging times.  Without adversity, transformation doesn’t exist. And this is where the creative spark really gets hot.

The common misconception is that the ebb is “bad,” when in fact—just like good carbs—the ebb is your friend. It is a very natural part of life and an essential ingredient to the creative flow. It’s a catalyst, an instigator, a high-octane fuel for the birth of new ideas, desires, and visions for something better.

Fighting it puts you in the drama-zone. This is where your thoughts become distorted and take you away from the Truth of Who You Really Are, your soul-self. These little inner tyrants will coax your attention away from your spiritual nature and get you running on the mental hamster wheel of negativity. Their bread and butter are criticism, comparison, and competition, which cause hardcore creative-kibosh. Hanging out with them is not a good use of your precious energy, and it certainly does nothing for the innovations and artistic expressions that are begging to come into material existence through you.

To cultivate creative explosiveness, building a strong foundation of inner alignment is key, as it will keep your brain in check and raise your vibration to align with the power of your soul. It’s all the simple practices you know, like meditation, gratitude, time in nature, and deep breathing. These practices work individually and harmoniously to alter your brainwaves and rewire your thought patterns, helping you to stay out of the monkey-mind and in the zone of channeling your soul’s signature frequency into your creative projects (and everything else in your life).

And we need your projects in the world now! In this time of collective transformation, there are people waiting to be sparked, opened, healed or otherwise delighted by you—and for some, they can only receive it from you. Lean into your soul for support as you allow the ebbs to fuel your contributions. It’s time to hoist up your artistic panties, get in the spiritual zone, and let your unique work rock this world!

Jennifer ALLY Kern is the author of The Drama-Free Way, a guide to manage chaos and heal collective wounds. She is also a speaker, educator, and certified Akashic records master healer who specializes in helping leaders, entrepreneurs, and practitioners achieve their wildest success.


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