Press 📰
For media inquiries and speaking engagement invitations, contact
“The Wordsmith: Dara Beevas,”The Minnesota Spokesman-recorder
“As a girl who grew up being a rule follower, the goal in life is not to be well-behaved. It’s actually the opposite. Your goal in life is to be free. Walk your path on your terms and don’t worry about behaving. Be free!”
“How to publish your own book,” twin cities business
“The value you bring to the table as a writer, thought leader, businessperson, or educator is just as important as the book itself. Make your book work for you and your career instead of making your work all about the book.”
“Writers–whether you are a white writer, Black writer, Brown writer–you have felt that there is this elite element to publishing and there’s a gatekeeping element, exclusivity, it isn’t welcoming, and Wise Ink tries to turn that around and be a welcoming space. There’s something special that happens when your publisher is centering you, your goals, your book. We collaborate all the time on events, on how we can both use our businesses to push a needle on an issue, and how we can do it together.”
“books, bars, and revolution in the heartland,” dispatch
“What Leaders can learn from patagonia’s founder,” twin cities business
“Experts follow the rules; thought leaders break old rules and make better ones. That kind of rule-breaking can be scary for leaders, but leading from a place of fear rarely creates change or success.”
Wise Ink Cofounder Amy Quale Honored as one of minneapolis/st.paul business journal’s 40 under 40 for 2022
“Q&A with Dara Beevas of Wise Ink,” we need diverse books
“ I know for a fact that my dream of Wise Ink has published countless Black and brown people who would not have had their words see the light of day otherwise. I hope that inspires someone, to know that your dream not taking shape, is the absence of someone else’s dream taking shape. So, if you don’t follow your dream for you, follow it for the person that dream is going to help and open a door for.”
“why amazon’s new lgbtq+ children’s category matters,” publisher’s weekly
“ There’s been an alarming spike in attempts to ban LGTBQ+ books in schools. More than 100 anti-trans bills were introduced in 2021, making it a record-breaking year for anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. Amazon’s category wording choice of ‘LGBTQ+ Families’ is especially powerful considering that queer content is often censored on the belief that it is ‘inappropriate’ and goes against ‘family values.’ Normalized representation is essential, especially with the continued fight for basic rights.”
“Let’s Chat,” Panel on social impact hosted by emmy-award winning journalist shayla reaves
Featuring Wise Ink cofounder and chief strategic officer Dara Beevas
“Stand Up to Censorship in Schools,” Publisher’s weekly
“Banning books and resources that are connected to people of color and racism not only ensures the embedding of white-centric thinking in a new generation of children, but it ensures censorship of minority stories and voices.”
“Words from the Revolution,” MPLS St. Paul Magazine
The Words From the Revolution poster series is a collaboration from Dara Beevas, co-founder of Wise Ink Publishing, and Mary Bruno, owner of Bruno Press.
“I am blessed by the fact that my leadership experience has allowed me to create this leadership framework to positively impact society”
“The storyteller is a pathway to healing,” trix magazine
Wise Ink cofounder Dara Beevas was honored as Trix Magazine’s 2021 Rising Woman of the year.
“The Creation of Black Narratives,” University of Minnesota Libraries
Wise Ink co-founder and chief strategic officer Dara Beevas moderated a panel in the Amplifying Black Narratives series by the University of Minnesota Libraries. A recording is available at the link above.
“A Coronavirus Game Plan,” Publisher’s weekly
“Write to the other side of this. Write through the pain of this. Write about the things you’ve questioned for years but never could make space for. Write and consider it a victory whenever words meet the page.”
“Wise Ink publisher Dara Beevas on the Work to be done,” MPLS St. Paul magazine
“You can’t tell me Minneapolis doesn’t have the brainpower, the creativity, the people willing to do the work to make the community we all want to live in.”