Author and Communications Expert Andrew Blotky on Effective Video Conferencing

By Andrew Blotky

With most organizations implementing work-from-home policies and as we all do our part to stem the spread of COVID-19 by social distancing and staying home, video conferencing is more important than ever to get work done and stay connected. 

Meeting by video changes the nature of the way we work together, so you need to adjust the way you work. Getting good at video conference etiquette ensures you’ll be set up for success no matter your work circumstances.



  • Make sure all meeting participants have the meeting invitation link and materials in advance of the meeting. Know who the moderator is and make sure multiple people can moderate or rotate.

  • Make sure your presentation is ready to show. Test it before you start the call.

  • If your presentation is visually dense or contains video, consider distributing it to participants in advance.

  • Be prepared to leverage good meeting practices, such as sending an agenda in advance, identifying a person to lead the meeting and keep time and take notes, and sending out follow up notes after the meeting.

  • Be aware of what's in view of your camera at home. Many of us aren't used to having the insides of our own homes on display at work.


  • If you are at a remote site on a video conference, be in as quiet a space as possible with no or minimal background noise.

  • Sign in and get set up early to allow time to troubleshoot and resolve any potential issues with equipment.

  • Make sure everyone has their cameras on whenever possible. This provides a more complete interactive experience for the meeting.

  • If you are connecting from a laptop, try to plug in to wall power, because battery use can affect video quality.

  • Consider setting up a back channel for communication on other site(s), such as Slack, WhatsApp, or email. This allows for communication without interrupting the discussion. Many video platforms have built in chat functionality participants can use.

  • Close all blinds and doors to cut down on potential glare. Interior lighting should not be too dark or too bright. Normally, the settings used in a traditional work environment are adequate.

  • Adjust the camera angle or seating position to ensure you are on camera



  • Once all attendees are present, take a minute to check audio. Making a quick round of introductions is an effective way to do this. Introductions break the ice and ensure that everyone can hear each other properly. 

  • If you plan to record the meeting, notify all participants at the beginning of the meeting.

  • Always remember and acknowledge when there are remote participants. Reach out to them periodically to see if they have a question or something to contribute. Having remote participants on video, versus audio only, ensures that you remember they are in the meeting. Remote participants should not be an afterthought.


  • When not speaking, make sure your audio is muted. This will prevent inadvertent noises, such as coughs, rattling papers, or chair squeaks, from interrupting others.

  • Try not to shuffle papers or cover the microphones.

  • Speak clearly and in a normal voice. There is no need to shout.

  • When videoconferencing with many sites, start your comment or question by stating your name. This helps other sites identify who is speaking.

  • As with any meeting, limit side conversations and multitasking.

  • Leverage online collaboration tools like Google Drive to take notes, share content, and collaborate in real time. This enables all participants to interact, versus using a physical whiteboard or other physical visuals only available in the primary conference room.

  • Tell others if you leave the video conference early.


  • Avoid quick movements, which make it difficult for cameras and microphones to keep up with you. Quick movements may appear jumpy or choppy to others on the call.

  • Maintain eye contact with the camera and stay engaged in the meeting.

  • Do not turn your back to the camera.


  • When you ask a question or request information, allow time for slightly delayed responses because the system may experience slight transmission delays.

  • Direct your questions to a specific individual.

  • When possible, avoid interrupting others as they are speaking. Many video conferencing systems have a voice-activated switching feature to automatically move the camera to the active speaker. Interrupting another speaker may confuse the voice activation.

  • Establish an understanding among participants of when and how to interrupt. For example, have people raise hands or otherwise signal that they want to speak.

  • Consider posting pending questions via chat.

  • Make it safe to call out participants on poor meeting etiquette.

Thanks to Stanford University and several of you for some of these tips and tricks.

ONLINE YOGA: I am offering donation-based hourlong yoga classes most days during this time of social distancing.  If you're interested, check out the details at

Take care of yourself and your teams.


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