Book Giveaway to Help You Pivot in Your Career: Gōl

Anyone with a career is no stranger to nasty surprises. Learning to navigate those challenges has not only been important, but necessary. The financial crisis of 2008 pushed people out of the lives they knew. For recent graduates, it challenged the dreams they had for themselves and prompted them to find alternate solutions. Now, we face another crisis: a pandemic. When people are furloughed, fired, or working in a completely new environment, the rupture forces us to pivot. We want you to pivot and land on your feet.


Let’s be honest: finding a job is not an easy task. It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to be successful. Many of us quit before we even start, letting our crazy lives and our jobs get in the way. Now that we’ve all settled into our new stay-at-home routines, we have time away from the social atmosphere of our day jobs.


We want to give you a free resource to help. Former career transition consultant Kathy Engen wrote Gōl with her coauthor Linda Heath to give people a roadmap for change. First, Gōl offers thoughtful prompts for self-discovery so that your career change is intentional. You need to know where you’re going before you start your transition. Even though dissatisfaction with your current job is a good place to start, envisioning the specific outcome is key. After you’ve done the soul-searching to lay the groundwork for a successful transition, Gōl covers practical advice on networking, writing, and interviewing.


It’s time to reflect. To begin to prepare for the future, we need to get our heads on straight. If something’s not right in your career, ask yourself what you would like to have happen instead. Be honest with yourself. Are you genuinely happy with the career path you’ve chosen?


This work is overwhelming. The main tools you can give yourself in this transition are inspiration, positivity, and optimism. Read articles about how the job search has changed in your dream field, not on unemployment or upcoming layoffs. Focus on what you can control. Follow job search thought leaders on your favorite social media channels and reach out to your friends who recently landed a new job.


Grab your calendar, block off time, and dedicate time to your search. Add an hour each after each session to complete your task or further refine. Key areas of focus include:


  • Updating your resume: Add in the missing pieces. Work experience, dates and new skills you’ve acquired. Focus on keywords and what you want people to ask you about when they look at your resume.

  • Sprucing up your LinkedIn Profile: While you’re there, reach out to a few of your connections. Respond to old messages. Connect with a few new people who can help you. Check back and continue making new connections. Despite how it may feel, now is a great time to reach out and connect with others with an email or a phone call. People miss the simple pleasure of connecting with people other than of their families.

  • Research: Stalk your idols and learn about their career paths. Once you start to dig, you’ll realize that nobody had a clear path to success. Take insights from others struggles to find strategies you can apply to your own transition.


Click here to get your free copy of Gōl to start your journey.


“The future depends on what you do today.” Mahatma Gandhi


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