4 Tips for When Book Sales Go Stale

That dreaded moment has arrived - the hype surrounding your new book has faded a bit, and your sales are starting to slow down. What can you do to bring those number backs up?

We recommend one big thing to start: find ways to re-engage with your current audience. This could mean reaching out to people who have heard of your book but haven’t bought it, or figuring out how to connect with those in your demographic who are unreached. Here are a few ideas:

-          If you have a blog, write a post about a current, relevant topic that will inspire readers to share the post, and subsequently bring others to click on your blog and discover your book

-          Plan and host an event that features your book in some way

-          Chime in on current social media chats or start a thread of your own to engage users

-          Contact your local bookstores or libraries to see if they would host a signing or if there’s an event you could speak at

Get creative - there are a lot of ways to get your name out into the world, and once you find something that works for you, go for it. If people are hearing about you and your fantastic book, sales will follow. It can be disheartening to see stale sales, but with some hard work, the end result will be worth the time and energy you put into bringing the sales back up.

And remember: you’re not just selling selling your book, you’re also selling yourself as an author. So if there’s an event opportunity that isn’t strictly related to your book, don’t write it off; it would be a good chance to network with others and let them know about your work. Don’t be afraid to take a chance! You lose nothing by talking to people - and if you’re lucky, you might make some friends who are willing to let you sell your book at their next event.


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