10 Ways to Host a Smart Book Giveaway

So, you want to promote your book and generate interest for it, but don’t have a huge budget. One great way to meet both needs with one deed is to hold a giveaway. Don’t see this as an obligation - but if you are interested in holding one, here are a few things to consider.

-          How many books can you afford to give away? Can you afford shipping? (It’s expected that the giveaway host will pay for shipping.)           

-          How large is the range of your giveaway? Is it open internationally?

-          Giveaways don’t guarantee greater awareness for your book. Are you okay with not seeing an increase in sales?

-          Are you willing to promote the giveaway on social media and other platforms?

If you’ve thought about these factors and have decided that yes, you do want to hold a giveaway, here are a few more specific prompts to help you set it up.

-          What platform are you going to use to host the giveaway?

-          What rules do different platforms have for giveaways?

-          Do any of the platforms charge you for holding a giveaway?

-          What do people need to do in order to enter the giveaway?

-          How many books (or other items) are you giving away?

-          What is the time frame for your giveaway? I.e. when will you announce it, when will it open/close, and when will you have sent the items by?

It’s important to understand that more goes into holding a giveaway than just shipping a few of your books out; this is a key chance for you to utilize your social media presence and market your book in a way that has the potential to reach dozens of new readers.

Though this pressure might seem a little overwhelming at first, if you break giveaways down and take things one step at a time, this pressure will be a lot easier to manage. In the end, if you’re looking for a cost-effective method to reach a larger audience with your book, a giveaway could be just the ticket.


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